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Li.Bo Srl stars in Mariapia Bianco's final paper!

Li.Bo Srl stars in the final paper of Mariapia Bianco, who graduated Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, in Professional Business Consulting from the University of Salerno.

Mariapia undertook an extracurricular internship at our company, at the end of which she joined the accounting and administration team. During these months she got to experience the company's processes, and so she decided to write her experimental master's thesis paper precisely on the history and activities of Li.Bo srl. Starting with the history of the company, he then analyzed the context, governance, budget, and know-how acquired over time.

The main theme was to analyze how our society deals with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility or Social Responsibility.

Mariapia highlighted the fact that throughout all these years of activity, we have always tried to invest in the enhancement of human resources, the concept of sustainability, not only environmental but also energy, focusing so much on the territory. This is an excellent example of how, through sustainable development practices and continuous commitment to research, excellent results can be achieved.


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